Illusionist Anatoliy Koryakin (Tula oblast)
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Koryakin Anatoliy
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Emphasize the status of Your event with tricks bordering on a real miracle.
Most likely you will soon have a wedding, anniversary or corporate event! And You want to entertain your guests with something perfect? Then read:
3. why is it profitable for you to invite Anatoly Koryakin?
►Modern tricks
You are also tired of looking at all sorts of old tricks from the 90s such as flying tables, the appearance of a rabbit from a pot, and many others.etc.
And the image of the wizard in a hat and tailcoat is already boring?
In my show, you will not see anything like this, because it is filled with modern, best tricks, wrapped like an expensive candy in a beautiful label of stories and a delicious filling of jokes.
► Dynamic show
Any format of events, whether it's a chamber wedding or a huge concert hall. Individual approach to each viewer,
Breaking the subtypes, I will surprise and shock, amaze and impress!
My show will leave a mark in the memory of any viewer. Now tell Me, are you ready to touch the fairy tale?!
►Stylish and expensive image
An artist who looks stylish instantly attracts the attention of others.
This means that it will not only create a cool and atsmospheric show that Your guests will remember with pleasure, but also emphasize the status of the holiday with its stunning image.
For more information, please call us. (VIP program, as well as the program on WELCOM)
Most likely you will soon have a wedding, anniversary or corporate event! And You want to entertain your guests with something perfect? Then read:
3. why is it profitable for you to invite Anatoly Koryakin?
►Modern tricks
You are also tired of looking at all sorts of old tricks from the 90s such as flying tables, the appearance of a rabbit from a pot, and many others.etc.
And the image of the wizard in a hat and tailcoat is already boring?
In my show, you will not see anything like this, because it is filled with modern, best tricks, wrapped like an expensive candy in a beautiful label of stories and a delicious filling of jokes.
► Dynamic show
Any format of events, whether it's a chamber wedding or a huge concert hall. Individual approach to each viewer,
Breaking the subtypes, I will surprise and shock, amaze and impress!
My show will leave a mark in the memory of any viewer. Now tell Me, are you ready to touch the fairy tale?!
►Stylish and expensive image
An artist who looks stylish instantly attracts the attention of others.
This means that it will not only create a cool and atsmospheric show that Your guests will remember with pleasure, but also emphasize the status of the holiday with its stunning image.
For more information, please call us. (VIP program, as well as the program on WELCOM)
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1) a Stage show is a work on stage for a large audience of 30 to 300 people. This program is very suitable for weddings, anniversaries, corporate events and other holidays.
The program includes from 6 to 7 spectacular tricks. The show is filled with interactive content. Almost all the tricks will involve You and your guests. In the speech, you can see such numbers as mind reading, incredible predictions, disappearances, as well as flying small items, card tricks and much more.
No tricks with hares and hats, only the best numbers and tricks, accompanied by a fascinating feed. Also, if You have any special preferences, we will take them into account.
The duration of the program is 20-25 minutes.
1) a Stage show is a work on stage for a large audience of 30 to 300 people. This program is very suitable for weddings, anniversaries, corporate events and other holidays.
The program includes from 6 to 7 spectacular tricks. The show is filled with interactive content. Almost all the tricks will involve You and your guests. In the speech, you can see such numbers as mind reading, incredible predictions, disappearances, as well as flying small items, card tricks and much more.
No tricks with hares and hats, only the best numbers and tricks, accompanied by a fascinating feed. Also, if You have any special preferences, we will take them into account.
The duration of the program is 20-25 minutes.
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The presence of a dressing room
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News and announcements
13.11.2016 04:17
Когда чудеса выходят за грань реальности, а о вашем празднике говорят с восхищением.
Фокусник, иллюзионист на свадьбу в Туле Анатолий Корякин
Фокусник, иллюзионист на свадьбу в Туле Анатолий Корякин
Иллюзионист Анатолий Корякин, Тула
Иллюзионист Анатолий Корякин +1080 HD
Стильно, волшебно, незабываемо.
Когда чудеса выходят за грань реальности, а о вашем празднике говорят с восторгом.
Если вы хотите, чтобы ваша свадьба, день рождения, юбилей или корпоративное мероприятие стало незабываемым...
Звоните прямо сейчас +7(920)753-1248
#анатолийкорякин #иллюзионист #волшебник #фокусниквтуле #суперсвадьба #ф...
Фокус с кубиком и купюрой
Эффектный фокус Кубик в купюру! Instagram магия. Иллюзионист Анатолий Корякин научит вас удивлять и заставит поверить в сказку!
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