Vadim Krikorov, illusionist and magician

Vadim Krikorov, illusionist and magician
Rating: 75
Телефон и email
Krikorov Vadim Vadimovich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 20 000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Hello! My name is Vadim, I am a professional illusionist, for several years now I have been surprising audiences all over Russia and perhaps, soon, I will be able to surprise you too! Up my sleeve: -Card -Monetary -Psychological -Extreme -Comedy tricks, -Mental magic -Tricks with animals - Fortune telling and much more! Still in doubt? My show is completely unique, the programs are tailored to the age of children or the preferences of adults. The event takes place in a friendly and sincere atmosphere, not a single guest will be left without attention, your holiday will definitely be filled with colors. I have dozens of satisfied clients behind me, and you will definitely not remain indifferent.
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Micromagic 20,000 rub.
Stage performance 20,000 rub.
- Welcome/Meeting guests (1 hour)
Tricks with cards, coins, rings and objects
your guests at arm's length.
-Stage show (30 min)
Interactive numbers with the participation of guests and main
heroes of the holiday. Tricks that surprise anyone
spectators. Mental magic and a beautiful ending. 30,000 rub.
Starting from the meeting of guests, ending with the final show of the holiday. The program includes a meeting with guests, a block of stage magic, and micromagic during the break. Thanks to this performance pattern, guests will have the feeling that the artist spent the entire holiday with them. 50,000 rub.
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Dressing room
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