Kirill Popov - Illusionist | Magician

Kirill Popov - Illusionist | Magician
Rating: 308
Телефон и email
Popov Kirill Sergeevich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30 000-150 000₽
15,000₽ for 15 minutes of stage performance when booking in advance
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


A program to surprise any number of guests: from 1 to 1,000 viewers, with more than 10 explosive tricks. From micromagic and interactive to stage manipulations, which have been shown at live performances more than 1,000 times and have been tested for years since 2011! Which you can choose for any of your events.

Each trick will involve and surprise everyone: from children to skeptics who have seen a lot. All the elements of the program are built in a certain way in order to gradually involve each of the viewers and prepare them for the main numbers.

In addition to incredible magic tricks, live improvisation will be played out during the program, which will amuse the guests and make them smile from any event on stage. Each viewer will be involved in the show with interactivity and a variety of manipulations so that your event will be remembered in the minds of the audience for a long time.

Kirill has been performing since 2011 and has conducted more than 5,000 performances. From street shows, where there is a fierce battle for the attention and control of the viewer, to stage shows, where every detail of the show is important to shock even sophisticated viewers. It is his experience that allows you to quickly determine the character of the viewer and use it on stage when working with him to open his eyes to magic over and over again!

All this is in order to make you and your guests even happier, and connect all the abundance of emotions with your event.

Book an incredible program of magic tricks for any event:
- More than 10 incredible magic tricks;
- from 10 to 60 minutes of a bright show;
- interactive, micromagic, stage show and mentalism;
- for any event and formats: from parties and housewarming, to weddings and serious company events, from;
- the ability to create your own program.

Send a message to Kirill right now to check your date.
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🎁 Program for any holiday and event
- from 15 minutes to 60 minutes;
- more than 10 tricks in the program;
- a great format for meeting guests;
- the best interactive and stand-up format

👰‍♀️ The wedding show
- More than 10 best magic tricks and transformations;
- from 15 to 60 minutes of a bright show;
- incredible immersion of the newlyweds as the main characters;
- Each trick has been shown at least 1,000 times on large stages.

🎩 Corporate Program
- from 15 minutes to 90 minutes of the show;
- More than 10 magic tricks and transformations;
- fun interactive and games with the audience;
- stand-up format of performances.

There is everything from simple transformations to WOW tricks that create a question:
"Is it real?"

Velkam and po-tables are discussed separately.
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Dressing room
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Type: торжественное мероприятие
🎉 Как удивить скромного скептика и карточного шулера, того, кто знает ходы наперед и сам практиковал техники манипуляций? Именно для этого, я заряд...
Выход на мировую сцену (10 000 - 20 000 человек) - Лучший
From profile: Kirill Popov - Illusionist | Magician, genre: танцевальная
Выход на Олимпийский (1 000 - 5 000 человек) - Лучший
From profile: Kirill Popov - Illusionist | Magician, genre: танцевальная
Выход на сцену на 500-700 человек - Лучший
From profile: Kirill Popov - Illusionist | Magician, genre: танцевальная
Выход на сцену 100-150 человек - Лучший
From profile: Kirill Popov - Illusionist | Magician, genre: танцевальная
Выход 1 - Для теста
From profile: Kirill Popov - Illusionist | Magician, genre: другое
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