Illusion Show Johnny Daggz

Illusion Show Johnny Daggz
Rating: 77.3
Телефон и email
Utkin Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
Cost of services
Average budget: 70 000 руб. - 100 000 руб.
Illusion Show Johnny Daggz
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Professional illusion show from the artists of the Russian State Circus "Krakatuk", "Sleeping Beauty", "Zaltania", "Aqua", the festival "Pirate Station"!!! Winners of the New Format talent Contest-2019!
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A wide range of programs from interactive to large illusions! Show for a wedding, anniversary, corporate party, children's party!
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Household Rider

The customer or organizer:
- Pays for the trip outside the Moscow Ring Road and organizes convenient unloading of props to the artists (as close as possible to the room).
- If the institution does not have an elevator - organizes the lifting of the props to the platform (tech.vehicles, movers, personnel).
- Allocates the team a dressing room with good lighting: separate or for lack of - a separate corner in the room with a large mirror, chairs according to the number of artists, hangers for covers and clothes. There should be drinking water in the dressing room.
- If the artists are on the site for more than 3 hours - organizes sandwiches or cold / hot dishes according to the possibilities of the institution.

Technical Rider

There should be a sound engineer on the site who takes off the sound track, checks it and connects the head microphones for the artists (or gives them their own if available) and switches tracks during the program.
If the holiday is for children-as an exception, artists can use their portable speaker.
For shows with large illusions, there must be a dance floor or stage (at least 3x4) with a light fill, smoke (if possible). If the stage is occupied by musicians, you need to remove the equipment to the maximum before the illusion show.
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Type: развлекательное мероприятие
Большое шоу иллюзий, раскрытие секрета фокусов, иллюзионные трюки, интерактивы!
Type: новый год
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