Rating: 27
Телефон и email
Dubinin Dmitriy
Cost of services
Average budget: 5 000
The price is for one room. At the request of the customer, a 5-minute interactive artist with the audience is carried out, which is additionally paid by the customer. Pre-discussed over the phone.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Dmitry Dubinin is one of the most talented artists in the circus industry. An incredible storehouse of talents: fascinating and touching to the core. Every appearance on the stage is mystical: the most powerful energy and the brightest virtuosity fight on the spot. Absolute king of action, embodying a certain performance.

In 2018, at the VII international circus festival in Spain, he won a Bronze award. Skill, artistry and incredible tricks won both the jury and the audience! The audience gave a standing ovation!

"At some point I felt that I could do something of my own, without imitating anyone or repeating anyone. Every time I use new impressive, unusual techniques in productions.
In such beautiful forms of art as circus, theater and cinema, I am also able to truly Express myself. I am always happy to participate in new projects. I am open to good changes in life.»

Fill your event with bright colors, create a holiday atmosphere, give a sea of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions to You and your friends.
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Solo juggler. Duration 4 minutes.
Equilibrium-clinic. The duration of 5 minutes.
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For the artist: dressing room with a hanger, mirror, 2 chairs, table, 0.5 water Aqua Minerale without gas.
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