Vocal and choreographic ensemble "Yarineya»

Vocal and choreographic ensemble "Yarineya»
Rating: 27
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The team of talented, friendly and creative professionals in the field of performing author's and folk works was created in 2011 by the artistic Director Alexander Bredikhin-a composer, artist, and concert performer. Thanks to his talent and vast experience, Alexander Bredikhin managed to combine the folk genre with modern trends, without losing the identity of Russian culture.
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The team was created in 2010. The ensemble's program includes performances not only on the concert stage, but also at events such as weddings, anniversaries, and corporate events. The repertoire of the young, promising group includes several concert programs: 1. Russian folk (pullets, pullets; down the street; Oh, kudrevich; As hills; etc) 2. Ukrainian folk (the boys Unharnessed the horses; Oh, the cherry orchard; well You mene pidmanula; There on the mountain, etc) 3. The Cossack (Oh, in the meadow; Not for me; the Cossacks Rode; Ljubo brothers a pleasure; etc) 4. Pancake (Oily polisha; Teschin pancakes; Zolovkin dance; Kissing block, etc.) 5. new year (in the forest was born a Christmas tree; Russian Santa Claus; Three white horses; a Small Christmas tree, etc.) 6. Block of popular songs (Ivushki you, Ivushki; Oh frost, frost; Oh, Varenka; Oh, it's not evening, etc.) 7. Block of military songs (dark-skinned; Blue handkerchief; Path-path front; Dark night, etc.) 8. Patriotic direction (Song about Russia, Moscow the city of our childhood, etc.) The composition of the ensemble varies from five to twenty-five people, depending on the size of the stage and other conditions. Alexander Bredikhin, team leader and author of the project, winner of International and all-Russian competitions
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