Vocalist, compere

Vocalist, compere
Rating: 63
Телефон и email
Golubev Sergey
Cost of services
Average budget: 12000
The cost of a presenter with a DJ starts from 12,000 rubles per event
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Singing and communicating with people is not just my profession, but my favorite thing of my whole life!

I have been organizing events for more than 12 years.

He worked as a singing presenter and organizer on motor ships: Nikolai Gogol, Ural, Leonid Sobolev, Konstantin Simonov, Mikhail Frunze, Semyon Budyonny, Vasily Chapaev, Afanasy Nikitin.

Winner of the SAN REMO Karaoke Club contest-Best Performer 2014

Twice a year I organize my own concerts in the city center, which you can learn about from advertising on city posters and in social networks. networks.

I think the main task of the presenter is to make the event not only comfortable, but also interesting. The master classes of the presenters, which I regularly attend, help me in this.

In my program, I use original author's contests, fresh ideas for your holiday and healthy humor.

A powerful voice, a pleasant timbre, a positive temperament, an elegant style in clothes — everything in order to make the celebration unforgettable and bright.

As well as professional sound, light and a huge music library, complementing in every sense the live performance of dance compositions.

Your banquet will feature cover versions of famous hits by popular modern and retro artists. All dance and incendiary compositions.

As a person of a creative profession, I will be happy to give you bright emotions so that all the participants of the celebration will have a lot of fun and remember it with warmth.
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/vokalist--vedushchiy

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Presenter and vocalist Sergey Golubev

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Сергей Голубев - Подари
From profile: Vocalist, compere, genre: поп
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