Sergey Antipov
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Sergey Antipov
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
Included in the price:
✔Presenter-Sergey Antipov (contests, jokes, interactivity)
✔DJ \ assistant Eugene
✔numbers with live vocals and electric guitar
✔sound (RCF 3-5 KW), 4 light devices, VHF projector with screen
✔a formal agreement with the SP
✔original prizes for competitions + 2 Tr
The cost of our services ranges from 25 to 35 Tr.
To find out the exact cost-you need to call and inform: the date of the event, the number of guests and the venue of the celebration!
PS PS best offer with discount 🎁 for comprehensive services:
12 hours = 20 Tr(instead of 25 Tr); 6 hours = 10 Tr (instead of 15 Tr)
+ free test drive of the photographer
🎶 cover band " Salut band"
3 units + meeting guests + 5 KW sound = 25-30 Tr(instead of 45 Tr)
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Experience in the field of holiday services for more than 10 years.
Delicate and intelligent approach to the celebration.
Positive and unobtrusive conduct, with adequate humor.
Fun, with dignity, quality and competently!
Delicate and intelligent approach to the celebration.
Positive and unobtrusive conduct, with adequate humor.
Fun, with dignity, quality and competently!
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Our entertainment program includes:
✔Presenter-Sergey Antipov (contests, jokes, interactivity)
✔DJ \ assistant Eugene
✔numbers with live vocals and electric guitar
✔sound (RCF 3 KW), 4 light fixtures, ukf projector with screen
✔a formal agreement with the SP
✔original prizes for competitions + 2
✔Presenter-Sergey Antipov (contests, jokes, interactivity)
✔DJ \ assistant Eugene
✔numbers with live vocals and electric guitar
✔sound (RCF 3 KW), 4 light fixtures, ukf projector with screen
✔a formal agreement with the SP
✔original prizes for competitions + 2
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We have completely the sound and light equipment, the transport
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1. Experience-more than 13 years
2. More than 1000 events were held
3. The lack of vulgar and stupid contests! Fresh and creative!
4. Member of the VOCAL project "Main stage"(Live vocals)
5. DJ + quality sound and light
6. Author's concept of ideas and ideas
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