Танцевальное шоу

Танцевальное шоу
Rating: 32
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Azarova Oksana Vladimirovna
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Cost of services
Average budget: 10 000
menit' kostyumy. Научиться произносить The average duration of the program is 5 to 6 numbers. Through the numbers of opponents for the opportunity to change suits.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Ispolnitel'nitsa raznykh zhanrov.
Научиться произносить
1. A beautiful dance performance of different dance styles with LED units.
2. Magic tribal (snake plastic)
Performer of different genres.
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1.Light number in shuffle style.
2. Light number "Rumba Style"
3. Light number "Spanish motives"
4 Light number "Street" street
5. Light number "Without a body"
6. Tribal - style - dance (Egypt)
7 Tribal - improvisation style.
8. Tribal - fusion style (modern)
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Water, fruits, iron. Make-up room: mirror
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/svetodiodnoy-shou-traybl-ispolnitelnica

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