The power extreme show

The power extreme show
Rating: 37
Телефон и email
Bear Nik Bear
Cost of services
Average budget: 15000
The cost of the performance** depends on the length of the room. Consumable materials such as warmers and steel bars are used in the process. If a presenter is required, the price is discussed separately. To get in touch, please use the phone number given in the questionnaire and write on WhatsApp, indicating the purpose of communication in advance
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Power Extreme is a great show for any event, be it a children's party or an adult celebration. The program includes unique and exciting power stunts: demonstration of lung strength with tearing warmers, hand strength with bending rods, as well as contests and interactive tasks for the audience. The duration of the number varies from seven to fifteen minutes, depending on the customer's wishes. The artist can also combine the role of the host of the event.
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Power Extreme is a great show for any event, be it a children's party or an adult celebration. The program includes unique and exciting power stunts: demonstration of lung strength with tearing warmers, hand strength with bending rods, as well as contests and interactive tasks for the audience. The duration of the number varies from seven to fifteen minutes, depending on the customer's wishes. The artist can also combine the role of the host of the event.
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1. **Scene**:
- Size: Minimum 6 meters wide and 4 meters deep.
- Floor: Flat surface with no irregularities.
- Backdrop: Clean, decorated with logos or scenery.

2. **Music**:
- Sound System: Quality speakers and mixing console.
- Input: 3.5mm audio jack or Bluetooth to connect your device.
- Playlist: Provide music in advance (MP3 or WAV format).

3. **Microphone**:
- Wireless microphone: For communicating with the audience.
- Wired microphone: For comments during the performance.

4. **Makeup Room**:
- Space: A clean and cozy place for makeup and dressing up.
- Mirror: Large mirror with good lighting.
- Chairs: For performers and make-up artists.
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