Непочатых Вадим Александрович

Непочатых Вадим Александрович
Rating: 51
Телефон и email
Nepochatykh Vadim Aleksandrovich
Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Цирковой театр экстрима и комедии "Шоу Братьев Непочатых"
Лауреаты международных фестивалей артистов эстрады и цирка,
финалисты телепроекта «Минута славы», победители конкурсов «Дельфийские игры», «Проснись звездой», «Призвание Артист», «Fire – 2017»
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/nepovad

the circus - smyrk program

The Theater of Extreme and Comedy "The Show of the Brothers Unpatched" - with more than 20 years of experience. A large selection of Show programs! Professional Artists who work equally well in different genres: LED, electric show, clowning, fire show, illusion show, various extreme shows and much more. The programs are distinguished by a riot of colors, and the complexity of productions and trick...
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