Sergey Ryzhanov & Oksana Stepanova

Sergey Ryzhanov & Oksana Stepanova
Rating: 207
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Stepanova Oksana Valerevna
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"Пой Россия!"
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


An exclusive author's repertoire. It is possible to select specific songs by the customer. Songs: patriotic, about Baikal, about Siberia, romances, philosophy, lyrics. Styles are different, from rock to romance!
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A dressing room (a place to change clothes) and water without gas.
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"Motherland Siberia"

On June 12, a concert dedicated to Russia Day was held in the center of Irkutsk. The video of this famous, wonderful song was filmed during the holiday. The song "Motherland Siberia" has gone to the people and is heard throughout Siberia!

"One-on-one meeting"

This is a real meeting of two people in a big city, a meeting after a long separation, a spark that flared up with renewed vigor! After all, this city keeps our secret, the city of dreams, our paradise… But time goes by so fast, I wish it would always be like this. The alien in the clip is the image of a mystery man. We turn on the mood to the fullest and walk all night with memories and a des...

"We will become strong"

Motivational songs, songs with meaning. #clip #rock #hit #Irkutsk #songbook
Сергей Рыжанов - "Когда-нибудь"
From profile: Sergey Ryzhanov & Oksana Stepanova, genre: поп
Сергей Рыжанов - "Зорькой вешней"
From profile: Sergey Ryzhanov & Oksana Stepanova, genre: поп
Сергей Рыжанов - "Кто прав"
From profile: Sergey Ryzhanov & Oksana Stepanova, genre: поп
Оксана Степанова - "Не говори..."
From profile: Sergey Ryzhanov & Oksana Stepanova, genre: поп
Сергей Рыжанов - "Родина Сибирь"
From profile: Sergey Ryzhanov & Oksana Stepanova, genre: поп

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