Sergey Ryzhanov & Oksana Stepanova

Sergey Ryzhanov & Oksana Stepanova
Rating: 207
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Stepanova Oksana Valerevna
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An exclusive author's repertoire. It is possible to select specific songs by the customer. Songs: patriotic, about Baikal, about Siberia, romances, philosophy, lyrics. Styles are different, from rock to romance!
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A dressing room (a place to change clothes) and water without gas.
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"One-on-one meeting"

This is a real meeting of two people in a big city, a meeting after a long separation, a spark that flared up with renewed vigor! After all, this city keeps our secret, the city of dreams, our paradise… But time goes by so fast, I wish it would always be like this. The alien in the clip is the image of a mystery man. We turn on the mood to the fullest and walk all night with memories and a des...

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