Семён Донец

Семён Донец
Rating: 39
2 -1%
Телефон и email
Illyuzionist Semen Dots
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Cost of services
Average budget: 15.000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Hi, my name is Semyon Donets. I understand that you make a difficult choice between artists for your event and do not know who is right for you. That's why I want to get to know you better.

Interesting facts about me:
A man who believes in himself and a miracle.
I love animals, so I don't use them in the show.
My main task is to make your event cool.
I read rap and your THOUGHTS 😄

Interesting facts about you:
You like to be surprised and get emotions, relax and get high.
You want to work with an artist who cares about your event.

Then we are similar and I already want to surprise you and your guests!

If you want a BORING event, then DON'T WRITE to me!

A little show-off:
Each show is UNIQUE and will NEVER happen again 🤯

I'll steal your watch so that you'll like it!

I worked with Yandex, BlackStar, Sberbank, Russian Railways, surprised the French Ambassador and the Minister of Culture, and now I want to surprise you.

About the show program:
I'm for cool emotions, so I'm not selling a standard set of tricks, but a unique show that will never happen again. It will change, depending on your characteristics, so it will definitely suit you and your guests.
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Stage show - 15,000
Miracle at arm's length - 15,000
VIP (Stage show+Miracle at arm's length) - 25,000
VIP+Human flight - 60,000
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/semen-donets

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