Illusion & Magic sho;₽

Illusion & Magic sho;₽
Rating: 37
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Aleks Krey
Cost of services
Average budget: От 100000
Cost depends on date and the city of carrying out.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


The most mysterious Illusory Show of the South of Russia up to 40 min., is performed non-stop or 2 I by blocks, in each block you will see on several numbers, usually 4+4 which are interconnected and have different illusory effects, it as 2 pass representations in Lasvegas style, etc. In some numbers of a show the audience is attracted. Plus congratulation to young people, hero of the anniversary, company... It not just a speech of the conjurer, this professional show when which viewing even adult sceptics will tell - "as?"!
Alex Krey is the finalist of a show a phenomenon on Russia TV channel.
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Duration up to 40 min., is executed non-stop or 2 m I by blocks, in each block you will see on several numbers, usually 4+4 which are interconnected and have different illusory effects, it as 2 pass representations in Lasvegas style, etc. In some numbers of a show the audience is attracted.
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4 persons
The show is calculated on any platform.
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Magic show

The most mysterious show of the South of Russia.
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