Singer Sevda

Singer Sevda
Rating: 65
Телефон и email
Sattarova Sevda
Cost of services
Average budget: 15 000 - 80000
Стоимость зависит от количества музыкантов и отделений. Стоимость вокально-инструментального дуэта - от 15000 рублей за одно отделение (20-30 минут).
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Sevda is a professional singer (lounge, jazz, rock and roll, disco, popular music, world hits). The repertoire of Sevda also has its own author songs and instrumental program on melodica. Sevda appears in different formats:

- an independent singer;

- vocal-instrumental duet;

- stylish rock and roll group.

The performance of Sevda is the ideal solution for creating a refined and elegant atmosphere.

Sevda will be happy to sing for you anywhere in the world.
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Sevjazza (Севда Саттарова) - Город не впускает весну
From profile: Singer Sevda, genre: джаз
Sevjazza (Севда Саттарова), Арина Магирани, Натали Теслюк - Я буду всегда с тобой (cover)
From profile: Singer Sevda, genre: поп
Sevda - Nevidimaya
From profile: Singer Sevda, genre: поп
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