Тамара Шредер

Тамара Шредер
Rating: 47
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Shreder Tamara
Cost of services
Average budget: 10 000 руб.
The cost is different, calculated individually, depending on the type of event (what kind of show, ready-made program or under the order, adult or child, number of people), the city of departure.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


For more than 5 years, the Sand fairy tale theater has been delighting its audience with amazing show programs that open the door to an incredible world of sand and light fantasies. At your request, scenes from familiar stories and fairy tales will come to life on the screen, and new facets of seemingly ordinary things will open up.We believe that it is not enough to get full pleasure from the spectacle alone, so each of the audience has the opportunity to take part in creating their own paintings.And, of course, the mysterious properties of magic light and sand will help them in this!
In sand animation programs, thin layers of sand are applied to a special light table, which, under the artist's skillful hands, flow from picture to picture, creating a fascinating story. After the presentation, if desired, a master class is held for everyone.
In the light representation on the screen with the light-accumulating property, special lanterns are used to write pictures that glow in the dark. The artist does not just create spectacular images, he "tells" a beautiful story in which each new image flows smoothly from the previous one. All the action is accompanied by specially selected music that corresponds to the theme of the performance.
Drawing on water-Ebru is a very exciting activity that perfectly develops imagination and a sense of color. When mixing paints, unpredictable patterns and drawings are obtained.The master does not just draw, he interacts with paint spots on the water, connects them into a single image using simple tools — a brush, an awl and a comb. The result of creativity in Ebru and the most important moment is the transfer of images from water to paper. It is enough to put the paper on the water for a few seconds, so that the drawing completely disappears from the surface of the water and is displayed on the paper. There are techniques for translating Ebru images not only on paper, but also on fabric, wood, glass, and ceramics. The finished picture or product with a unique pattern will be remembered by the audience and participants of the Ebru master class.
A nice addition to the program will be aquagrim for children and adults.
The total duration of the program is 30-45 minutes ( 10-20 min. presentation and 15-30 min. master class)
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ONLINE programs (live performance of the artist)
Sand and light shows will be relevant for various events:
• at weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and other banquets of a personal nature
* corporate events ( new year, March 8, etc.)
• presentations
• as a background screen saver at exhibitions, concerts, etc.
* children's holidays and events
* Proms in schools

OFFLINE programs (remotely prepared video clip)
* wedding video
* corporate TK
• video portrait
• a birthday card in the technique of Sand Art
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1. Free space 2 square meters;
2. Socket ~220 V ;
3. Possibility to darken the room.
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/pesochnoe-shou-svetovoe-shou-ebru

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