Nikolai the magician for the holiday

Nikolai the magician for the holiday
Rating: 37
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Average budget: 6000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


☺ Good afternoon! Allow me to introduce myself. ☺
I am a magician who is in love with my profession, I enjoy it and therefore I do not chase a long ruble-to give you a piece of a miracle is already a reward, I am not interested in cashing in on you.
I have experience performing in various formats and venues.

☎ Write, call-we will definitely agree with you! ☎☃☎
Find out the exact cost of the performance by phone, because it may vary slightly depending on the type of event, the remoteness of the location, the number of people, etc.
The front of performances-corporate parties, children's parties, birthdays.

In the program:
—The appearance of a live
( Viewers make wishes and write on special paper , it is set on fire forming a beautiful fiery (safe) effect and in a glass, in the hands of the viewer , a beautiful Goldfish appears from the fire.
— Trick with a Cigarette 🚬( any guest is selected , any burning cigarette is taken , and extinguished into any thing of the viewer , while the thing remains intact , the cigarette disappears , and remains
— Focus with money 💲💵💸(things) The signed bill (thing) of the viewer will disappear and appear in the whole fruit (Any viewer cuts the whole fruit himself, and finds his thing inside it
— Disappearing/moving, objects right in the hands of the audience🌠 ( multiplication , moving , disappearing ) things at arm's length
— Bending a fork/spoon directly from the guests' table, with just a glance 🧙♂️

— Also magic tricks with a Book ,
mind reading and many others✨
— Binding the magician 🎗️

— Fire tricks🔥 small master class

I travel to any area of the city, the main thing is to book in advance.

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