Nikita Marvel
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Nikita Marvel
To get a discount 5% say promo code
Cost of services
Average budget: 25000
✔Pack 1 - 25 000₽
2 blocks of 15-20 minutes,
solo program.
✔Pack 2 - 35 000₽
2 blocks of 15-20 minutes,
the program is more spectacular, with elements of humor and with the participation of an assistant.
✔VIP package - 55 000₽
all inclusive program
+ exclusive trick and hypnosis at will
*Micromagic when meeting guests and/or during breaks, included in the price of any of the programs
✔ Separate cost "outside the package" - 15 000₽
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
▪️Bold. Bright. Stylish.
▪️Caution❗️ My shows are addictive
▪️Participant of the show "Everything except the usual" on TV3
▪️Caution❗️ My shows are addictive
▪️Participant of the show "Everything except the usual" on TV3
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✔Pack 1 - 25 000₽
2 blocks of 15-20 minutes,
solo program.
✔Pack 2 - 35 000₽
2 blocks of 15-20 minutes,
the program is more spectacular, with elements of humor and with the participation of an assistant.
✔VIP package - 55 000₽
all inclusive program
+ exclusive trick and hypnosis at will
*Micromagic when meeting guests and/or during breaks, included in the price of any of the programs
✔ Separate cost "outside the package" - 15 000₽
✔Pack 1 - 25 000₽
2 blocks of 15-20 minutes,
solo program.
✔Pack 2 - 35 000₽
2 blocks of 15-20 minutes,
the program is more spectacular, with elements of humor and with the participation of an assistant.
✔VIP package - 55 000₽
all inclusive program
+ exclusive trick and hypnosis at will
*Micromagic when meeting guests and/or during breaks, included in the price of any of the programs
✔ Separate cost "outside the package" - 15 000₽
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Promo Nikita MARVEL 2021
▪️Дерзко, ярко, стильно
▪️Осторожно❗️ мои шоу вызывают привыкание
▪️Участник ШОУ «Всё кроме обычного» на ТВ3
Imaginage Dragon - Believer
From profile: Nikita Marvel,
genre: поп
Maroon 5 - Фон
From profile: Nikita Marvel,
genre: поп
Шутка - звук
From profile: Nikita Marvel,
genre: поп
Выход - Блок 2
From profile: Nikita Marvel,
genre: поп
выход 1 блок - 1 блок
From profile: Nikita Marvel,
genre: поп
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🔥 ощутить на себе чтение мыслей
🔥 получить предсказание
🔥 увидеть телекинез
🔥 даже элементы телепортации
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Эмоция - реакция человека на происходящее событие окружающего мира.
После показа фокуса я очень часто встречаю смех, удивление и даже слёзы 🤣
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