LISTOPAD Yana Illusionist Magician
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Listopad Yana Sergeevna
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Cost of services
Average budget: 25000
The show and the cost depend both on the duration of the performance, the number of people and inventory, consumables. The presence of animals in the presentation process is also taken into account. Everything is discussed individually, as each request is unique.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
I started practicing professionally in 2019 and have already achieved considerable success, I have performed and am performing in the Kremlin, on television shows and channels, a participant in international forums of illusionists.
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1. The scene.
I work on stage, the audience participates, there are several programs, you can also select some thematic ones for the theme of your event.
2. Micromagia.
It is suitable for Welcome zones, for breaks between artists when everyone goes to the smoking room, and meeting guests, also for offices, exhibitions and much more.
3. Extreme number with a Katana
4. Number balance of pen and palm sticks
I work on stage, the audience participates, there are several programs, you can also select some thematic ones for the theme of your event.
2. Micromagia.
It is suitable for Welcome zones, for breaks between artists when everyone goes to the smoking room, and meeting guests, also for offices, exhibitions and much more.
3. Extreme number with a Katana
4. Number balance of pen and palm sticks
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Dressing room (separate, or a table, two chairs), food, water
, I move around Moscow on my own, transfer (if it's another city) + departure of 2 people.
, I move around Moscow on my own, transfer (if it's another city) + departure of 2 people.
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Король и шут - ФФокусник
From profile: LISTOPAD Yana Illusionist Magician,
genre: авторская песня
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