Quartet Primavera

Quartet Primavera
Rating: 97
Телефон и email
Strunnyy Primavera Kvartet
Cost of services
Average budget: 16000
The cost of each event depends on the place, date, time of the event , duration and format.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Exquisite weddings, luxurious and resplendent celebrations, concerts and holidays, all these events will be decorated with the performance of the St. Petersburg ensemble with many years of creative experience - the Primavera String Quartet. A distinctive feature of the collective is an extensive and diverse repertoire with exclusive arrangements that emphasize the style and uniqueness of each event. In addition to works from the "Golden Collection of Classical Music", the program can include jazz and popular music, music from movies, and modern compositions. A nice addition will be a large selection of costumes and the elegance of the performers.
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The repertoire of the Primavera Quartet includes works of various styles and eras. Classical, romantic, jazz, music from movies.
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4 chairs without armrests
Dressing room
If necessary, 2 or 4 microphones on the racks
In more detail, the rider is discussed individually
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/kvartet-Primavera


Type: торжественное мероприятие
Струнный квартет Primavera принял участие в открытии двух магазинов RegStaer в аэропорте Пулково, в 2019 и 2021 году
Type: массовое мероприятие
Концертная программа, посвященная 200-летию Ф.М.Достоевского в Доме Культуры Каскад, Петергоф.
Струнный квартет Primavera - Ruby. I wanna be loved by you
From profile: Quartet Primavera, genre: поп
Струнный квартет Primavera - Минков. Старый рояль
From profile: Quartet Primavera, genre: эстрада
Струнный квартет Primavera - Крейслер. Радость любви
From profile: Quartet Primavera, genre: классика
Струнный квартет Primavera - P.Martin. Boogie
From profile: Quartet Primavera, genre: блюз
Струнный квартет Primavera - E. Presley. Love me tender
From profile: Quartet Primavera, genre: поп
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