Funky Tubes
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Funky Tubes
Cost of services
Average budget: 20000
Half an hour - 15,000 rubles
1 hour - 25000 rubles
1.5 hours - 30,000 rubles
2 hours or more - from 40,000 rubles
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Meet the Funky Tubes Tyumen Team
We want to share with you our unique energy and positive !!!
We will fill and pump your emotions to a new level !!!
We are pleased to introduce a completely new format for presenting music !!!
What could be better than just live music? Only live music performed by wind instruments!
Composition : Tuba, trombone, trumpet, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, drums.
We want to share with you our unique energy and positive !!!
We will fill and pump your emotions to a new level !!!
We are pleased to introduce a completely new format for presenting music !!!
What could be better than just live music? Only live music performed by wind instruments!
Composition : Tuba, trombone, trumpet, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, drums.
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