Illusionist Alexander Shalnev

Illusionist Alexander Shalnev
Rating: 55
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Alexander Shalnev
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Average budget: от 50.000р
The cost is calculated individually for the event.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


🔝 Surprised the stars of show business and participated in filming on TV. 🔥My illusions surprise even colleagues. 💪I stay in good physical shape without the use of magic.
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One of the best magicians in Moscow.

I constantly develop for my viewers, follow the trends and new products! Now you are watching this promo, and I am already better, more pumped and cooler than what you saw there!

Member of the Presidium of the Russian Association of Illusionists.

Six-time winner in the nomination "Show Moment"

Winner of 2nd place in the nomination "Micromagic" at the International Illusion Festival "Minsk Magic".

Four-time winner of the Russian Magic Convention.

Winner of the "Merlin Medal" from the International Magicians Society
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On request.
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