Violin Yana Gryadunova

Violin Yana Gryadunova
Rating: 55
Телефон и email
Gryadunova Yana Aleksandrovna
Cost of services
Average budget: 3000
Performance cost from 40$ by 30-40 minutes
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Greetings to all guests of my page!
I offer different formats of musical design, which you can familiarize yourself with by contacting me by phone.
My musical numbers will add luxury to any celebration and will be remembered by guests of different generations and tastes!
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I will answer this question in a thesis:
Popular pop music from abroad;
Soundtracks from movies and TV series; Classics with a modern twist; Various lyrical compositions;
... some club music;
... some foreign rock;
... a little from the repertoire of Lindsay Stirling;
David Garrett;
Edwin Marton;
Vanessa May ...
... a little Latin ... a little tango ..

It is hard to answer this question more specifically in one post, because the list of works will not fit here, moreover, it is regularly updated! For every performance, I try to combine different styles of music so that everyone will definitely enjoy everything! And everyone managed to hear their favorite melody!
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1. The presence of a speaker system or speakers of good quality.
2. Ability to connect a laptop or play from a Flash media.
3. Mixing console with FX-Hall, FX-Delay effect.
4. Monitor on stage for large rooms.
5. Experienced sound engineer to tune equipment.
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Яна Грядунва - Я тебя отвоюю
From profile: Violin Yana Gryadunova, genre: поп
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