Original genre artist/Travesty artist

Original genre artist/Travesty artist
Rating: 163
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Kabanov Denis
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Cost of services
Average budget: 15.000р
More often they order two images - four songs
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Greetings, dear friends! My name is Denis, I am a travesty artist or an artist of the original genre. I have been working in this genre for over 3 years now. During this time, I managed to work on many holidays, various parties, not only in Moscow, but also in the regions. I will be glad to speak at your holiday!

My stage image of Diana de Poitiers is a sweet, bright, spectacular, cheerful, beautiful singer girl who brings good, positive and beauty! My show is called "The Show of Reincarnation"from a simple guy to a domestic singer. In my repertoire: Polina Gagarina, Ani Lorak, Irina Dubtsova, Olga Buzova, Slava, Vera Brezhneva, Zivert, Nyusha, Anna Semenovich and other stars. (Not parodies!) In my stage wardrobe there are also luxurious costumes for funny Latin American songs.My show is suitable for all holidays, events and parties, everything is decent. Also, I work as the original presenter. Each customer has an individual approach, we discuss everything, all the details to the smallest detail. Dear friend, if you are looking for something really original, spectacular, beautiful and luxurious, then you are on the right track! See you!
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One image - two songs 12 ​​000 rub. for a service
Two images - four songs 15 000 rub. for a service
Three images - six songs 20.000 rub. for a service
Red feather costume "Fire Bird" - two songs 15.000 rub. for the service.
White first costume "Angel" - two songs 12.000 rub. for the service.
Original presenter 20.000 rub. for a service
Original singer 20.000r for the service
Special effect "Smoke machine" for the service
Special effect "Cold fountains" 2.5\30sec per service
Red feather suit "Firebird"-two songs
* Taking into account the mini cargo taxi. This suit is transported on a mini truck.
You can additionally include special effects to any of my images
* Price including consumables and rent.
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Dressing room - dressing room, stage lighting - (some kind of spotlight), sound and working microphone
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/artist-originalnogo-zhanratravesti-artist

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