Magician-Charismat Vitaly Tokunov

Magician-Charismat Vitaly Tokunov
Rating: 54.2
Телефон и email
Tokunov Vitaliy Vladimirovich
Cost of services
Average budget: 12000
Mental magic. Demonstration of a person’s phenomenal abilities - reading thoughts, suggestion, hypnosis, telekinesis, etc. Price 20,000 rubles Salon magic. Visual tricks with the active participation of guests in the performance. The price is 12,000 rubles. Micromagy. Tricks with small objects at close range with the viewer. Used at a meeting of guests. The price is 6000 rubles. When ordering a block of only mental magic, micromagic is a gift. When ordering all three blocks with a total value of 38,000 rubles, you get a discount. All three blocks will cost 34,000 rubles.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Magician-Charismatic for your holiday.

I erase the boundaries of reality, filling your event with an atmosphere of mysterious magic.

Interactive magic with the participation of guests will make you believe in the impossible!

I guarantee a storm of positive emotions.
Call: +7 (921) 940 34 18
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The program of 3 blocks:

1) Mental magic. It demonstrates the phenomenal abilities of a person: reading thoughts, hypnosis, suggestion, telekinesis and pyrokinesis. Seeing a block of mental magic, your guests will remember your event for a long time and will talk about it with enthusiasm and trepidation to their friends and acquaintances.

2) Salon magic. Tricks when guests are sitting at the table. These are visual tricks that surprise not only the eye, but also the soul! Also in this block there is an interactive participation of guests in the performance, which means that your guests will not be bored and will have enough creative and fun time.

3) Micromagy. Tricks at arm's length. The viewer is next to the magician and is surprised at the miracles that happen right in front of the nose and even in the hands of the viewer. It is best to include micromagy at a meeting of guests and, then, before the start of the holiday, your guests will be charged with positive emotions and will be in a good mood.
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