THE ONE FOR ALL - the unique show doubles of Russian and Foreign Stars of Anatoly Schastyev.

THE ONE FOR ALL - the unique show doubles of Russian and Foreign Stars of Anatoly Schastyev.
Rating: 107
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Schastev Anatoliy
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Cost of services
Average budget: Минимальный выезд-15 тыс. руб.
1. One song in its entirety, or a medley of 4/6 songs with a total sound of 5/7 min - 8 thousand rubles, two-15, three-23, four-30, etc. 2. Set - 15 thousand rubles. 3. Discotheque - 10 thousand output 30 min. 4. Cover trio "Cappuccino" - 50 thousand rubles (2 branches for 30 minutes), 70 thousand (3 for 30 minutes). 5. Cover band - 80 thousand rubles (2 branches for 30 minutes), 100 thousand (3 for 30 minutes).
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Anatoly Schastyev is a charismatic performer with tremendous energy and an incredible sense of humor, a dancer and Bong player who infects everything with positive emotions. It was he who performed the Intro to the TV show "my own Director", the song "I always take a video camera with me". Anatoly spent seven years living and performing in the Netherlands, where he won the Paradiso Superstar competition in 2005 in Amsterdam. From there, he brought a huge experience of European organization of show programs, which later will be useful for Schastyov to carefully work out his own concert program. Currently Anatoly Schastliv actively promoting the Show doubles, adding to the repertoire of new images of pop Stars. And this is the uniqueness of this show. In addition, Anatoly is ready to learn and perform the newly created image of the artist chosen by you specifically for Your event. In the repertoire: 1. Elvis Presley 2. Freddie Mercury 3. Prince 4. Kiss 5. Europe 6. V. Leontiev 7. A. Serov 8. A. Malinin 9. V. Meladze 10. M. Boyarskiy 11. Tom Johns 12. George Michael 13. Bon Jovi 14. D. Coverdale (Deep Purple/White Snake) 15. R. Plant (Led Zeppelin) 16. Gangster Party - Chicago 30-40th.
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The performance program is based solely on the customer's wishes and has several different options:
1. The artist performs with numbers from the above artists. Each number at the request of the customer is one song in its entirety, or a medley of 4/6 songs with a total sound of 5/7 minutes.
2. The artist performs by sets of the above listed artists. The duration of the separation is determined by the customer and varies from 10 to 30 minutes.
3. The actor apart from the above two options acts with a discotheque from a variety of genres and styles from jazz to rock (see profile Anatoly Schastie), as well as part of a cover-trio "Cappuccino" (singer, singer and saxophonist, see profile) or a band with drums of 5 people(see the catalog).
The repertoire is constantly updated with new images and performed only Live!!!
The Artist ready to learn and perform the newly created image of your chosen artist specifically for Your event.
Order 4 or more images of Russian and Foreign pop artists and get a discotheque for 30 minutes as a gift.
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Technical rider for performance:
1. Voice system (portals) of the required capacity.
2. Two microphone stands.
3. Mixing console for 4 inputs on stage.
4. Sound processing processor reverb\hall .
5. Monitor-podzvuchka - 1 / 2 PCs.
6. Separate dressing room with mirror.
Payment procedure: 50% of the fee – at the time of signing the rider; the remaining part of the fee (50%) at the venue before the start of the concert.
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