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Velikaya Valentina Vladimirovna
To get a discount 5% say promo code
Cost of services
Average budget: 45000
The cost of the show when ordering the program " mix " with 5 artists and 2 rooms!
the discount is provided if you order the program for 3 months.
During the holidays, the price may vary!
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Show Light Up! Light dance show is a creative team of dancers for whom dance is life! Our show is designed to make the holiday memorable! We perform at festivals of different scales, from 20 guests to more than one thousand participants!
At events such as:
-city day
-corporate party
-TV show
- activities in Nightclubs
To perform at such events we offer:
-light show
-dance show
- go go (improvisation)
- interactive with the guests
performance at the opening
- meeting guests
--photo session
We have a great experience of performances at various venues, as well as the experience of performing live on channel 1TV!
Departure in Russia and abroad in the world!
Cashless payment for the show program 100% !
The date is considered booked only after payment.
We are open to cooperation and are ready to consider different options of performances!
Call to discuss!
At events such as:
-city day
-corporate party
-TV show
- activities in Nightclubs
To perform at such events we offer:
-light show
-dance show
- go go (improvisation)
- interactive with the guests
performance at the opening
- meeting guests
--photo session
We have a great experience of performances at various venues, as well as the experience of performing live on channel 1TV!
Departure in Russia and abroad in the world!
Cashless payment for the show program 100% !
The date is considered booked only after payment.
We are open to cooperation and are ready to consider different options of performances!
Call to discuss!
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The program "Cristalin" is a light show, bright and memorable, well suited for the opening of the event or for the closing ceremony! Artists act as one unit, if desired, numbers from this program can be added to the program "MIX"! This program uses different lighting props, which changes during the performance of artists! Props such as light flowers, fans, wings, POI, lasers. Show duration from 5 to 18 min. with the participation of 2 to 9 dancers!
A show of this format needs smoke / fog!
The program " MIX " - this dance staged numbers in colorful light costumes, under our soundtrack! Suitable for holidays where you need to perform the show program throughout the event! It can include from 2 to 7 rooms, from 3 to 5 artists, the duration of the rooms from 3 to 5 minutes. Selection of any rooms for your event from the availability in our show!
The interval between the rooms is at least 20min.
Some rooms require smoke / fog and ultra violet lighting!
The program "CLUB" is a format for the club sphere of events, artists go to the music of the DJ and improvise from the image of the costume! The number of dancers from 2 to 6, the duration of 1 output 10min., the possible number of outputs from 2 to 5 times.
The interval between dressing up for the next 20 minutes at least.
Need a separate dressing room!
Some rooms require smoke / fog and ultra violet lighting!
Interactive - to create a fun atmosphere on the dance floor, during the interactive our artists dance and take pictures with the guests of the holiday! Duration 1 interactive 10 minutes, the number of artists from 2 to 10 dancers. Can be replaced instead of a number from the standard programs or added to the show program!
Meeting guests-artists meet guests of the event at the entrance or stand / banner ! the cost of the service is calculated from the work of the artist for 1 hour. For the next hour discount! There is also a discount when ordering a show program and meeting guests! Please specify the size of the discount by phone.
The cost of 1 hour 1 artist from 7000 rubles.
A show of this format needs smoke / fog!
The program " MIX " - this dance staged numbers in colorful light costumes, under our soundtrack! Suitable for holidays where you need to perform the show program throughout the event! It can include from 2 to 7 rooms, from 3 to 5 artists, the duration of the rooms from 3 to 5 minutes. Selection of any rooms for your event from the availability in our show!
The interval between the rooms is at least 20min.
Some rooms require smoke / fog and ultra violet lighting!
The program "CLUB" is a format for the club sphere of events, artists go to the music of the DJ and improvise from the image of the costume! The number of dancers from 2 to 6, the duration of 1 output 10min., the possible number of outputs from 2 to 5 times.
The interval between dressing up for the next 20 minutes at least.
Need a separate dressing room!
Some rooms require smoke / fog and ultra violet lighting!
Interactive - to create a fun atmosphere on the dance floor, during the interactive our artists dance and take pictures with the guests of the holiday! Duration 1 interactive 10 minutes, the number of artists from 2 to 10 dancers. Can be replaced instead of a number from the standard programs or added to the show program!
Meeting guests-artists meet guests of the event at the entrance or stand / banner ! the cost of the service is calculated from the work of the artist for 1 hour. For the next hour discount! There is also a discount when ordering a show program and meeting guests! Please specify the size of the discount by phone.
The cost of 1 hour 1 artist from 7000 rubles.
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Technical and household rider depending on the show program and event individually!
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Light dance show staged number to our soundtrack, with light wings!
Great for a bright opening of your holiday or Grand closing!
Included in the program Kristalin and Mix!
With the participation of 3 artists, the duration of the room is 3.10 minutes, the cost of the room is 18000 rubles.
When ordering a full program Kristalin - from 3 artists duration of the show 10-12 minutes, the cost will b...
From profile: ShowLightUp
Light dance show with the number Albinos!
It's a dance number in the style of the space! Images of Albinos cause vivid emotions with their appearance!Included in the program "MIX"!
The duration of the show is 4 min. with the participation of 3 artists, worth 18000 rubles.
Other number of dancers and duration on request!
The price is based on the performance of the show within the Moscow rin...
From profile: ShowLightUp
Light dance show with interactive images in the space mix!
To create a fun atmosphere on the dance floor, during the interactive our artists dance and take pictures with the guests of the holiday!
Duration 1 interactive 10 minutes, the number of artists from 2 to 10 dancers.
The cost for 3 artists and 1 interactive 18000 rubles.
Can be replaced instead of a number from standard programs or add...
From profile: ShowLightUp
Lady Gaga - Marry the night
From profile: ShowLightUp,
genre: поп
MARUV - Mon Amour
From profile: ShowLightUp,
genre: поп
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