Moscow Harp Orchestra

Moscow Harp Orchestra
Rating: 99
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Moscow Harp Orchestra
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"На выезд за МКАД"
Cost of services
Average budget: 7000
In the main part of our ensemble consists of six harpists and a percussionist. Our entire program is adapted for any number of participants. The fee for each harpist is 7,000 rubles for the first hour in Moscow, and for a percussionist-5,000 rubles.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Moscow Harp Orchestra
- not just a musical group, but a real team of superheroes who have dedicated their lives to fighting stereotypes! We are constantly looking for new music to surprise any skeptic, and we really perform everything from classical to various soundtracks, from traditional Celtic tunes to jazz. We switch levers at the speed of light and show wonders of endurance, working out games without sleep and rest! Do you still not believe in superheroes? You will see and hear everything for yourself at our performance.
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