Luk group

Luk group
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The Luk group is a musical group that performs music of various genres, from folklore of the peoples of the world to modern compositions. The use of ethnic instruments is an integral part of the group's creativity. Our team represents the genres of World music, Ethno, folk, Indie music. The repertoire includes songs of the Balkan peoples, African chants, Spirituals, Caucasian and Russian spiritual singing, Folklore, Christmas songs and much more.
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Christmas and new year's program
In our program you will hear not only popular Christmas songs in English, but also African spilichuels and American pop songs of the 30-50s.

ethno songs of the BALKAN PENINSULA
The cultural heritage of the Balkan Peninsula is rich and diverse. The Balkans are home to such countries as Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey, Croatia, which is a unique symbiosis and interweaving of musical traditions and cultures.
Our project aims to show the amazing richness and diversity of the Balkan musical tradition.
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ethno songs of the BALKAN PENINSULA The cultural heritage of the Balkan Peninsula is rich and diverse. The Balkans are home to such countries as Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey, Croatia, which is a unique symbiosis and interweaving of musical traditions and cultures. Our project aims to show the amazing richness and diversity of...

christmas songs

Christmas and new year's program In our program you will hear not only popular Christmas songs in English, but also African spilichuels and American pop songs of the 30-50s.
LUK - ой вы цыгане
From profile: Luk group, genre: другое
LUK - Jingle Bells
From profile: Luk group, genre: поп
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