
Rating: 65
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Cost of services
Average budget: 25000
Один номер в программе 25000, второй номер плюс 15000.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Professional ballet dancers, laureates of international competitions in Paris, Barcelona, and Lisbon. We present a rare and original genre - AcroBallet.
We have been working in this field for more than 25 years, performing on world theater stages, large and small events, and also have 10 years of experience in Las Vegas shows.
Our dance is a unique style, an easy, elegant performance of circus tricks based on classical dance. The inimitable, multifaceted art of AcroBallet has been delighting viewers both in Russia and abroad for many years.
Our dance will decorate any concert: Gala concerts, weddings, anniversaries, holiday concerts or corporate celebrations.
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Acrobatic duet
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Welcome dear guest! My name is Tana and I represent the SOAP BUBBLE SHOW!!! Magic! tricks and unusual performance will surprise and awaken the magic inside everyone! The most important thing is that I don't have an age limit!!!! Children's celebration, wedding, date or concert event, for everyone there is a program! Bubbles are loved by all... read more..

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Барт Благ - это уникальная комическая пантомима. Смешное интерактивное шоу для Вас и Ваших гостей. Атмосфера легкости и по-детски искреннего веселья. Многогранный артист с опытом работы в России и за рубежом. Мим, жонглер и степ-танцовщик. Звезда шоу в парке развлечений Epcot Disney (США). Золотой призер международного фестиваля "Цирк будущего" (Фр... read more..

Гадание на таро
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