Burlesque Show Katrin Gajndr

From profile: Burlesque Show "Champagne Glass"

Do a ballerina and a femme fatale share anything in common, you may wonder? Self-assurance, elegance and graceful movements. And above all, a rich history. Surprisingly, long before ballet became associated with purity and grandeur, ballerinas were considered the true showgirls of their time. Katrin's signature act, which she created back in 2014, continues to captivate, and remains one of the most sought-after numbers in her repertoire. This act beautifully combines classic burlesque, the ethereal beauty of ballet and the passionate music of Russian composers. "Dance of the Phoenix" has already achieved the status of a burlesque classic and is bound to retain it for decades to come. What better measure of its exceptional quality than its enduring appeal over time?