Гусли - Ольга Глазова — Best Wishes For Summer (NÕTR) / Gusli Olga Glazova

From profile: Ольга Глазова Гусли

Best Wishes for Summer by the most popular russian harpist - Olga Glazova. The greatest instrument with new fingers`s technic! Ольга Глазова - гусляр, лауреат более 30-ти международных и всероссийских конкурсов исполнителей на народных инструментах, композитор и поэт, номинант на Премию им. С. Курёхина-2013 и 2014 в области современного искусства в номинации «ЭтноМеханика – лучший world music проект», она издала уже два диска сольной музыки для гуслей и восстановила утерянную технику игры пальцами на гуслях. Сотрудничает с группами THEODOR BASTARD, Борисом Гребенщиковым и группой Аффинаж. Olga Glazova Gusli is a Russian singer-songwriter, composer and poet. She performed an academic repertoire of gusli and Russian folk songs in her own adaptation and uses gusli to make repertoire prevailed by its own instrumental compositions and songs in Russian, English, Elvish and other languages. She has been twice nominated for S. Kuryokhin award in the field of contemporary art - "Ethnomechanica - the best world music project», winner of about 30 international and national competitions of folk music, has published two solo albums of the gusli music, and is engaged in restoration of lost equipment fingers playing the gusli. Olga plays the custom 30-stringed gusli crafted for her by A.Teplov. She cooperated with the notable russian acts such as «Aquarium», «Theodor Bastard», «Affinage», Sergey Nikolaevich Starostin.