YoGa vocal group
Телефон и email
Zhenya Vind
Cost of services
Average budget: 100000
The fee, technical support, accommodation and travel are negotiated with the organizers, depending on the composition of the participants, the distance of the trip and the format of the event. Write, we will send you a detailed household rider.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
The magic of folk music beckons with its simplicity and versatility. Whichever way you turn this gemstone, it will shine with that edge. Some people look for melancholy and meditation of the East in Russian folk music, for some it is the source of shamanic rhythms of ancient cultures, others find hip-hop rhythms and movements in northern quadrilles.
YoGa is a source of knowledge and feminine wisdom of a great culture, it sounds here and now in our hearts.
YoGa is a source of knowledge and feminine wisdom of a great culture, it sounds here and now in our hearts.
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The program includes Russian folk songs, dancing, lyrical, songs of calendar holidays. The band's repertoire also includes Balkan, European folklore, medieval compositions, and modern stylized author's songs. The program uses interesting musical instruments - ukulele, psaltery, wheel lyre, African jam, various percussion. You will also hear cello, flute, drums and electric guitars in a large composition. Rich costume complexes made by the best Russian masters of traditional costume - headdresses, sundresses and ponevas, breast ornaments from different provinces of Russia.
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Возможно выступление под минус один - только вокальный коллектив или выступление с живой группой
Возможно выступление под минус один - только вокальный коллектив или выступление с живой группой
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Little Mermaids fairy tales summer program
Режиссер проекта Русалочки сказки - Лена Садкова
Женя Винд - лидер вокал
Лена Тэ - виолончель
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Варианты сотрудничества:
-Авторский концерт
-Концерт своих и популярных песен.
-Концерт автора-исполнителя Валерия Осипова и ансамбля «Родные напевы»
(репертуар ансамбля –это веселые народные песни)
-Исполню песни на юбилее, корпоративе, свадьбе
-Озвучу любое мероприятие комплектом 1-5 квт, бонусом концерт.
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