Vladimir Vasilev

Vladimir Vasilev
Rating: 83
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Vasilev Vladimir Aleksandrovich
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Average budget: 10000
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* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Musician, singer, singer-songwriter, soloist of the bard band “THE SAME”, soloist of the vocal group “MINT”, laureate of All-Russian and International competitions and participants in many cities of Russia, laureate of the “GRUSHINSKY FESTIVAL” 2022, honorary guest of the All-Russian art song competitions, resident of the art cluster "TAVRIDA" (Republic of Crimea) 2021, winner of the III Tour of the winners of the "RUSSIAN STUDENT SPRING" 2023, winner of the I All-Russian Open Rally of the Bard Movement "So that our songs can be sung as if they were their own" 2024, participant of the international project "#MUSICTOGETHER" » In 2024, the artist completes the closing of the Russian Student Spring in Perm 2023, a concert of the artist of the Russian Youth Union at the World Youth Festival in Sochi 2024, current artist of All-Russian and Regional events.
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The musicians' repertoire includes songs in the styles of soul-jazz, blues, bossa nova, pop-rock, country, bard songs and romances, and songs from films.
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/vladimirvasilev

Владимир Васильев - Родина
From profile: Vladimir Vasilev, genre: авторская песня
Владимир Васильев - Это был я
From profile: Vladimir Vasilev, genre: авторская песня
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