Rating: 33
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Bodrov Roman Vladimirovich
Cost of services
Average budget: 10000
The average price, depending on the time of the program, and the venue, may be more or less
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Order the most similar double of Mikhail Boyarsky for your Holiday and you will be shocked, and you will think for a long time... This Is A Boyar? or his double! Live sound, communication with the public, A concert of legendary songs, " Green-eyed Taxi”,”The Bear”, " City flowers”“I'll take the fast train”, " Lanfren-Lanfra”
"Thank you, my dear ”,”It's time-it's time-we'll be happy”
"Ah, this evening”, etc. Roman is not just a double of Boyarsky, he is also an excellent parodist. After the performance of Boyarsky, Roman can change into Verka Serdyuchka, and arrange a 15-20-minute sparkling show. But even if this is not enough, Roman can sing as a vocalist, with the voices of famous artists, including Vysotsky, Artur Pirozhkov, Muslim Mogomayev, Louis Armstrong, Andrey Makarevich, Vladimir Mulyavin, Grigory Leps, Dima Bilan, Willy Tokorev, and others. In addition, the novel is also an excellent Presenter master of Ceremonies, will Conduct any event. Prices are available to everyone!!
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In a nightclub, restaurant, a bright spectacle for any holiday, wedding, anniversary or corporate party, Live sound, communication with the public, etc.
The program for your event is selected individually!
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Dressing room, microphone, sound engineer
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The double of Mikhail Boyarsky

What could be better if your Hero of the Day is congratulated by Mikhail Boyarsky himself, and sings his best songs for your guests in a live performance! Call 8 967 072 72 05. IT WILL BE the BEST GIFT! And truly surprise all your guests There is such a profession-to entertain people! Host, professional singer-Roman Bodrov Director, Artist of the conversational genre, Master of parodies, and re...
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