The presenter of New Year's holidays

The presenter of New Year's holidays
Rating: 59
Телефон и email
Chernykh Ivan Igorevich
Cost of services
Average budget: 20000
All financial issues are discussed at the moments of the meeting between the presenter and the customer.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Modern presenter for your holiday!
• easy, kind, intelligent and relevant humor
• The most modern interactive contests.
• DJ and music equipment.
• individual author's show program.
• dances, songs, flash mobs and creative greetings.
• Beautiful and correct speech.
•Responsibility. I know that your holiday evening is one of the most anticipated events of your life. I am ready to sacrifice everything (time, sleep and energy) so that your holiday will exceed all expectations.
• The best dance intermissions and a beautiful music palette.
📖 And also the price of my services includes:
🔹 A personal meeting (and not one) at which I will tell you everything in detail and share the best creative solutions for your Event.
🔹 Recommendations of holiday professionals.
🔹 Writing an individual program based on your wishes and tastes.
🔹 Consultation on any issues at any time of the day.

☕ I recommend making an appointment and already start preparing for your holiday celebration!
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It is discussed individually at a meeting with the presenter. An individual holiday program for your event is possible!
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* If the holiday lasts more than 2 hours, the customer must provide the contractor and his contractors with a full dinner.
* If the festive event is held at a distance of 50 km from the city of Blagoveshchensk, the customer must provide a transfer to the host and his contractors.
* The leader is liable only for his services and the services of his contractors.
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