Presenter Andrey Kozhevnikov

Presenter Andrey Kozhevnikov
Rating: 27
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Andrey Kozhevnikov
Cost of services
Average budget: от 60000
Details are discussed depending on the date and the event.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


I lead events. Creative, fun, with a soul.
• I write the script, immersing myself in the event – interesting, dynamic, fun.
• There is enough experience and intelligence to "steer" out of the most unexpected situations, improvising, turning them into benefits.
• I'm working on individual interactivity and quizzes, preparing for the event.
• I involve the guests, I remove the barriers between them. They create a comfortable atmosphere.
• I can make a beatbox (usually it causes a lot of emotions, but even without that, the guests will be turned on and satisfied).

He conducted corporate events for the Ministry of Sports, Dreamlaser, the restaurant chain Berezka Group, Norbit, Ammet and others.
He hosted the "Woman of the Year" award, "Miss Nizhny Novgorod 2023", the "Business Intuition 2023, 2024" conferences, the "Legal Meet Up 2024" legal forum, the "Dopamine 2023 and 2024" festival.

And other significant (for me and not only) events, such as weddings and anniversaries. Including close friends who decided not to save money and invite "that curly-haired presenter."
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From 60,000 rubles
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