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Belinskaia Tatiana
Cost of services
Average budget: 5000-25000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Presenter and singer for a wedding, banquet, anniversary, exhibition, presentation.
Individual approach, as well as a unique combination of live vocals and the art of improvisation.
Musical accompaniment of restaurant weekdays and festive events.
Extensive, diverse performing repertoire:
Popular songs, modern hits,
disco 80's, latino, rock-n-roll, retro hits,
french chanson, Russian chanson, country, jazz, soul, lounge
Individual approach, as well as a unique combination of live vocals and the art of improvisation.
Musical accompaniment of restaurant weekdays and festive events.
Extensive, diverse performing repertoire:
Popular songs, modern hits,
disco 80's, latino, rock-n-roll, retro hits,
french chanson, Russian chanson, country, jazz, soul, lounge
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/vedushchaya-pevica
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