Quick change act and focus with a jacket
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Average budget: 8000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
ircus artists, Honored Artist of Russia, Bronze medalists of the First All-Russian Festival of Circus Artists!
Circus performances for your corporate party, wedding, anniversary, etc. holiday!!!If you want a show, if you just can't imagine a holiday without a bright, enchanting show program, music, dancing and emotions-our show, that's what you need!
The highlight of our show will be a trick with a jacket (with the participation of a spectator from the audience) - the artist is tightly tied with a rope and sent to the same screen with a man in a jacket,after a few seconds the jacket is on the artist,and she is still tied..)
Circus performances for your corporate party, wedding, anniversary, etc. holiday!!!If you want a show, if you just can't imagine a holiday without a bright, enchanting show program, music, dancing and emotions-our show, that's what you need!
The highlight of our show will be a trick with a jacket (with the participation of a spectator from the audience) - the artist is tightly tied with a rope and sent to the same screen with a man in a jacket,after a few seconds the jacket is on the artist,and she is still tied..)
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/transformaciya-kostyumov-i-fokus-s-pidzhakom
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