Violinist Alexey Pezhemsky

Violinist Alexey Pezhemsky
Rating: 49
Телефон и email
Pezhemskiy Aleksey
Cost of services
Average budget: 3000
Cost of services from 3000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Violin for your holiday, wedding, anniversary in the city of Irkutsk and beyond. +7(950)089-20-17 I have been delighting the audience with wonderful sounds for 24 years. I remember the moment when I took the violin in my hands for the first time, even then I knew what my vocation was.
Your perfect congratulations, with one minute of execution. Maximum emotions, at a price of 3000 rubles.
Call the limit of feelings by playing the violin at your celebration of the soul with the help of virtuoso Alexei Pezhemsky!
- give flowers
- make an offer
— open your feelings?‍❤️‍
— invite to a romantic dinner
- congratulations at work
Only real feelings resonate with the beauty of music.
They say this is attracted to the house! Let only the best people, the best food and the best sounds, performed by the Master of Musical Arts A. Pezhemsky, be at your evening.

Experience in the event industry for over 12 years!
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The program is designed for 7 hours of continuous sound, and therefore you can choose music for every taste. Pop, folk, rock, romantic, classical, house...
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I perform at any festive events anywhere in Russia.
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