show-group "the three hedgehog"

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Cost of services
Average budget: 5000
The price includes delivery of carnival costumes for 6-12 guests, the work of an animator in a growth doll or a parodist, assistance in dressing and undressing guests (participants of the show program). Quick rehearsal in the dressing room.Work 1 actress and 1 animator.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Перевести вGoogleBingInteractive shows with parodies of stars, puppets and participation of disguised guests of the evening. General fun and incendiary dances! Comic scenarios, luxurious carnival costumes, stunning photo shoots!Interactive shows with parodies of stars, puppets and participation of disguised guests of the evening. General fun and incendiary dances! Comic scenarios, luxurious carnival costumes, stunning photo shoots!
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Перевести вGoogleBingArthur Pirozhkov
Stas Mikhailov
Irina Allegrova
Hope Babkina
Tamara Gverdtsiteli
Elvis Presley
Alla Pugacheva
Jack Sparrow (pirates of the)Arthur Pirozhkov
Stas Mikhailov
Irina Allegrova
Hope Babkina
Tamara Gverdtsiteli
Elvis Presley
Alla Pugacheva
Jack Sparrow (pirates of the)
Stas Mikhailov
Irina Allegrova
Hope Babkina
Tamara Gverdtsiteli
Elvis Presley
Alla Pugacheva
Jack Sparrow (pirates of the)Arthur Pirozhkov
Stas Mikhailov
Irina Allegrova
Hope Babkina
Tamara Gverdtsiteli
Elvis Presley
Alla Pugacheva
Jack Sparrow (pirates of the)
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requires dressing room for guests (from 6 to 12 people). Music on our flash drives. Some rooms require a microphone.
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Креатив-центр "ТРИ ЕЖА" новогоднее шоу в венецианских бальных платьях!
Images: 3
From profile: show-group "the three hedgehog"
Images: 3
From profile: show-group "the three hedgehog"
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