GIPSY PEARL oriental russian and balkan gipsy show

GIPSY PEARL oriental russian and balkan gipsy show
Rating: 91
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Tsyganskaya zhemchuzhina
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
В пределах МКАД и длительностью до 30 мин. (10-12 песен): Состав 5 человек – 50000 руб. • 4 человека – 40000 руб.; 3 человек – 30000 руб. • Выступление 2 блока по 25 минут: + 50% от заявленной цены прайса • Во все цены включен транспорт. от 30 000 ₽/усл. Скидки и акции. Выступления за МКАД: Плюс 20 % от стоимости. Скидки и акции. Работаем по предоплате. Юридический налоговый статус - Самозанятый.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


The show is a group of singer, guitarist and dancer Mikhail Zhemchuzhny. The team consists of the seductive Irene Shakhnazarova, the soloist-dancer of the show, the most beautiful and extraordinary artist, burning with her dance, energy, sexuality and artistry. Laureate of the Ballet Holidays Festival in Moscow, participant of international projects of the Lyubov Kazarnovskaya Theater.
The program of the show includes songs and dances of Russian and Balkan Gypsies in their own variety treatments. The full team consists of 5 artists (violinist, percussionist, dancer, soloist-guitarist and soloist-dancer). Bright costumes, high professional level, magnificent voices and dances, unique national flavor, energy, bold decisions and artistic skills are the components of the success of Mikhail Zhemchuzhny's group.
The band performs at concert venues, in elite clubs and restaurants, as well as in private homes.
"Gypsy Pearl" is the most relevant and popular band of the gypsy genre.
Soloist of the show: Mikhail Zhemchuzhny is a singer, dancer and guitarist. Rock star of the 90s. In the past, the lead singer of the legendary rock band "Shah". The gypsy rebel and the buffoonery king. A showman, a unique artist who comes up with new forms of expression in his work.
The show "Gypsy Pearl" is for those who want a new, bright, dynamic.
For those who like it hot!
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Songs and dances of Russian and Balkan Gypsies
* Fortune teller (Well, what can I say)
* Shaggy bumblebee
• Zazdravnaya
• Trickle
* Shukaria tea
• From dawn to dawn
* Expensive long
* Ederlesi
• Black eyes
* Habibi
* Danu danai
• Yag bari
* Bella ciao
* Sexy rita
* Chardash
* Show magic and gypsy fortune-telling on the unique Romani Tarot Tarot deck
* Songs from the k / f "Tabor goes to the sky", "The Elusive Avengers", Kusturica films.
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When performing 1 (one) block (up to 25 minutes): when the team arrives at the venue - tea or coffee, water or juice. Sandwiches.
When speaking in 2 (two) blocks (20-25 minutes each), with a break of 15-30 minutes - tea or coffee, water or juice. Sandwiches or hot.

A set of high-quality active acoustics (at least 500 watts),
remote control (at least 6 channels), vocal processing (delay, reverb). 2 radio microphones.
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Type: торжественное мероприятие
Награждение - Лучшая цыганская шоу-группа
Цыганская жемчужина - "От зари до зари"- шоу Михаила Жемчужного "Цыганская Жемчужина".
From profile: GIPSY PEARL oriental russian and balkan gipsy show, genre: танцевальная
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