Show ballet “Gulshan”

Show ballet “Gulshan”
Rating: 45
1 1 -10%
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Saakova Vita Anatolevna
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Cost of services
Average budget: 4000
Dance production, designer costumes, rehearsals, paraphernalia, studio rental, interactive with guests, questioning your idea-choreography, extra time for congratulations
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


The bright show ballet "GULSHAN", the city of Novorossiysk, will decorate your holiday and make it unforgettable!

We have an updated program for every taste - from the east to the removal of the birthday cake🎉

💥 Luxury exclusive costumes!

Professional performance of oriental dances!
Different styles, lots of attributes and costumes! Solo and group performances.

Bright and memorable!
With fortune-telling, shouts and congratulations on your holiday🔥
(+cake takeout, champagne, calling guests and namesake)

Photo with the ensemble as a keepsake📸

With our "Snow Maiden" you will plunge into a real Christmas fairy tale, in the first part of the dance❄️
And in the second - you will feel all the drive and energy🔥

Dance with LED fans
The most fiery number in our program🔥🔥🔥


The Harem dance is created in the style of palace dances✨ with a touch of humor😉
With interactive, attributes, and the transformation of the birthday boy (guest, groom, newlywed
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Oriental Show
* Gypsy show
* LED dance show
* Georgian dances
* Brazilian Samba
* Mermaids
* Angels
* Modern dance
* Armenian, Indian
* Greek, Tatar and other dances

- Interactive with the audience
- Staging of the wedding dance
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Dressing room. Water. Adjusting the light on the stage.
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The program includes dances of the peoples of the world and a show program
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