Hiro - singer, musician, showman, songwriter.

Hiro - singer, musician, showman, songwriter.
Rating: 65
Телефон и email
Posadskaya Svetlana Olegovna
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Cost of services
Average budget: 70000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Your event will be unforgettable in the hands of a professional showman.
Sergey Hiro - singer, musician, showman, songwriter.

- Author of the musical project "HIRO"
- Vocalist of the group "HORNИ"
- Director and vocalist of the cover band JUST BAND

Artist of Moscow musicals:
- "Sadko in the underwater kingdom"
- "Alice in Wonderland"
- "Lady Hamilton"
- "Mowgli" et al.
Member of the TV show "Musical Intuition" on TNT.

The same Tiktok RABBIT
Possible performance options: solo, solo + guitar, as part of a cover group.
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Rock/Bandstand/World Hits
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Ryder on request
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/sergey-hiro----pevec-muzykant-shoumen-avtor-pesen

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