festive bell ringer
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Martovoy Vadim Mikhaylovich
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Do you love bell ringing !?
Would you be interested in ringing the bells yourself !?
Would you like your children to master the skill of bell ringing !?
We present a new unique project "Festive Bell".
We will help you to joyfully and solemnly celebrate any holiday: a children's party, an unforgettable day of your wedding, a corporate party, a family party, jubilee, city festivities and gala concerts.
After all, we are a meeting with the unique sound of the bell ringing pouring into the hearts of people.
We will delight you with wonderful songs to the iridescent ringing of Russian bells. We will hold master classes for children and adults, we will help everyone to learn the basics of bell ringing.
Come and learn to ring the bells, bring your children, and you will not forget these pleasant moments of contact with beauty, with the amazing strength and power of the bell ringing, penetrating right into the soul.
The advantages of our project: the solemn view of the belfry and the members of the collective, the festive ringing, the opportunity not only to see, but also to touch what is somewhere out there, high up, and is usually not accessible to people, i.e. to be partakers of an ordinary miracle.
Our mission: promotion of the traditions of bell ringing in an artistic form into modern culture and the development of the art of bell ringing.
A distinctive feature: the first mobile belfry in Russia, originally conceived for holding festive and ceremonial events of local and federal significance.
The bells were cast in a standard form according to the Finlyandsky profile at the Moscow bell-foundry Litex in 2013.
The bell ringer's costume is tailored according to an individual sketch in the style of the early Middle Ages. It is based on the clothes of the nobility, the period of laying the basic structures of the European world familiar to us, legendary heroes, formations of states and peoples, times as deep and great as the resounding echo of a bell.
"Festive Bell ringer"
Do you love bell ringing !?
Would you be interested in ringing the bells yourself !?
Would you like your children to master the skill of bell ringing !?
We present a new unique project "Festive Bell".
We will help you to joyfully and solemnly celebrate any holiday: a children's party, an unforgettable day of your wedding, a corporate party, a family party, jubilee, city festivities and gala concerts.
After all, we are a meeting with the unique sound of the bell ringing pouring into the hearts of people.
We will delight you with wonderful songs to the iridescent ringing of Russian bells. We will hold master classes for children and adults, we will help everyone to learn the basics of bell ringing.
Come and learn to ring the bells, bring your children, and you will not forget these pleasant moments of contact with beauty, with the amazing strength and power of the bell ringing, penetrating right into the soul.
The advantages of our project: the solemn view of the belfry and the members of the collective, the festive ringing, the opportunity not only to see, but also to touch what is somewhere out there, high up, and is usually not accessible to people, i.e. to be partakers of an ordinary miracle.
Our mission: promotion of the traditions of bell ringing in an artistic form into modern culture and the development of the art of bell ringing.
A distinctive feature: the first mobile belfry in Russia, originally conceived for holding festive and ceremonial events of local and federal significance.
The bells were cast in a standard form according to the Finlyandsky profile at the Moscow bell-foundry Litex in 2013.
The bell ringer's costume is tailored according to an individual sketch in the style of the early Middle Ages. It is based on the clothes of the nobility, the period of laying the basic structures of the European world familiar to us, legendary heroes, formations of states and peoples, times as deep and great as the resounding echo of a bell.
"Festive Bell ringer"
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