Singer Eric Zenkov

Телефон и email
Zen Erik
Cost of services
Average budget: 20000
Minimum performance fee. The price is for 1 hour of performance. The final cost of the performance depends on various things, such as whether there is equipment (I can provide my own), how long the concert will last, and where the event will take place geographically.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Hello! My name is Eric Zenkov
I am a professional singer, guitarist, performer of world hits and music producer.
My solo career as a performer began back in 2014, and my first performance took place in 2004.
During my concerts, I managed to play more than 1000 concerts in Russia and abroad, namely in Sweden, Finland, and India.
Participated in the Show 'The Voice' on Channel One. He performed at private events with famous artists.
I have 18 years of experience working with sound, so I write all the arrangements and playbacks myself, and they are unique. My sound emphasizes my individuality, which remains unforgettable for the listener.
My favorite genre in which I like to perform songs is pop rock. At my concerts, there is a warming and uniting atmosphere for the guests.
For each event, it is possible to discuss my image and the repertoire that will be performed.
If the customer does not have his own equipment, then I can bring my own, for an additional fee, which depends on the amount of equipment rented.
My performance format is recording a song in real time. I record guitar, bass, my voice, and drums, and then perform the song to the created music. It sounds spacious, driving and high-quality, like a full-fledged cover band.
Technologies have long stepped forward, so with a certain level of professionalism and high-quality equipment, you can create masterpieces in real time, which is what I do.
My style of performance can be suitable for both intimate and large events.
My repertoire mainly consists of Russian and Foreign hits of the 90-2000s. As practice has shown, in my repertoire everyone will find their response and be satisfied.
As a result:
— I am a professional artist with my own unique sound
— the entire back line (these are stands, monitoring, microphones, wires, and stands) I bring mine anyway
— Stage images and repertoire are discussed with the customer
— If there is a need for additional equipment, then I can come with my own equipment and light
— It is possible to make a performance in blocks of several exits
— If the event is in another city, then transfer is discussed
I will be glad to speak at your event.
I am a professional singer, guitarist, performer of world hits and music producer.
My solo career as a performer began back in 2014, and my first performance took place in 2004.
During my concerts, I managed to play more than 1000 concerts in Russia and abroad, namely in Sweden, Finland, and India.
Participated in the Show 'The Voice' on Channel One. He performed at private events with famous artists.
I have 18 years of experience working with sound, so I write all the arrangements and playbacks myself, and they are unique. My sound emphasizes my individuality, which remains unforgettable for the listener.
My favorite genre in which I like to perform songs is pop rock. At my concerts, there is a warming and uniting atmosphere for the guests.
For each event, it is possible to discuss my image and the repertoire that will be performed.
If the customer does not have his own equipment, then I can bring my own, for an additional fee, which depends on the amount of equipment rented.
My performance format is recording a song in real time. I record guitar, bass, my voice, and drums, and then perform the song to the created music. It sounds spacious, driving and high-quality, like a full-fledged cover band.
Technologies have long stepped forward, so with a certain level of professionalism and high-quality equipment, you can create masterpieces in real time, which is what I do.
My style of performance can be suitable for both intimate and large events.
My repertoire mainly consists of Russian and Foreign hits of the 90-2000s. As practice has shown, in my repertoire everyone will find their response and be satisfied.
As a result:
— I am a professional artist with my own unique sound
— the entire back line (these are stands, monitoring, microphones, wires, and stands) I bring mine anyway
— Stage images and repertoire are discussed with the customer
— If there is a need for additional equipment, then I can come with my own equipment and light
— It is possible to make a performance in blocks of several exits
— If the event is in another city, then transfer is discussed
I will be glad to speak at your event.
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