Sand show

Sand show
Rating: 47
5 -10%
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Tarasova Irina Sergeevna
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Cost of services
Average budget: от 8000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Performance by an artist with a sand show created for your event,
on any topic:
love-story, marriage proposal, wedding gift - the story of a couple: from acquaintance to wedding, family history, congratulatory show for the anniversary, company history, presentation, visual accompaniment of a performance / concert / play.

A sand show for a wedding, corporate event or holiday (sand animation, sand drawings, sand drawings on glass, sand paintings, sand art) is a unique and amazing type of creativity, which consists of a combination of sand, light and music.
On a specially equipped light table, the artist’s hands create unique and fleeting sand paintings, transforming from one to another to the beat of the music accompanying the show, which are immediately projected on a large screen in real time.
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