Musical duo La Grace

Musical duo La Grace
Rating: 87
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Dmitriy Yalovitskiy
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Cost of services
Average budget: 5000
The cost consists of: the duration of the performance, transportation costs, the use of the group's equipment. Base cost for 60 minutes of live music 5000 rubles.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


⭐️Musical duo La Grace⭐️
Professional musicians, elegant, stylish.
La Grace is a real gift for those who appreciate a pleasant atmosphere and good, live music. The duo's repertoire has everything you need to create a great mood for you and your guests. Due to the small composition, you can significantly save on cost, but not quality👍
Consisting of: female vocals, guitar, sequencer.
⭐️La Grace is⭐️
- accompaniment in the style of “wine and dine” 🍷🍽, a great solution for restaurants, cafes, bars who want to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere
- Ideal for the welcome zone 👋 any events and activities
- dance program for afterparty
- Creating a complete soundtrack for the event🎼
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- leaders of Russian and foreign pop charts
- jazz
- exclusively: chill hop, lofi hip-hop for the most relaxed atmosphere
- hits of past years in a pleasant lounge style🍸
- dance songs
- instrumental compositions
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Birthday party. Live show. Promo. 2020

Играли на дне рождения, своё оборудование, звук с камеры.
La grace - Sing it back (cover)
From profile: Musical duo La Grace, genre: танцевальная
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