Morokin-Zajtseva-Kosyakov folk trio
Телефон и email
Cost of services
Average budget: от 12 т.р.
When performing an hour program by one artist
With the work of a full team - from 30 thousands of rubles.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Dear music lovers! It will be our great pleasure to perform compositions for you in the following styles: pop, rock, funk, country, etc. on button accordion and balalaika, and not only. The use of such non-traditional instruments for some of these styles will give completely new emotions from already well-known hits. And of course, there is Russian folklore in our program)!
We do not use sound effects in our work. Only the original sound of the instruments.
All members of the team have higher specialized education and are winners of countless competitions and festivals.
Our motto is "From the soul, sincerely to the soul!"
Thank you!
We do not use sound effects in our work. Only the original sound of the instruments.
All members of the team have higher specialized education and are winners of countless competitions and festivals.
Our motto is "From the soul, sincerely to the soul!"
Thank you!
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